

Chris Brown - Don't Check On Me ft. Justin Bieber, Ink 歌詞和訳で覚える英語表現




大阪観光大学国際交流学部池田 和弘教授の日経ビジネスオンラインの記事でも洋楽の歌詞で英語を勉強した学生の話が取り上げられていました。彼の何千人もの学生や社会人の教え子の中で、明らかに日本人離れした、素晴らしい英文を書く生徒がいたらしいのですが、その学生さんは洋楽の歌詞で英語を英語を勉強してきたようです。その文章は、語句の使い方が日本人離れしていたというのです。


Source: 日経ビジネスオンライン







[Verse 1: Chris Brownwith Ink]
If I'm out at the bar havin' a night on the town
Life of the party, pourin' shots of the brown
And you see me from the street but I don't turn around
Would you say, "Hi"? Would you keep going?
If I told your family that you didn't mean nothing
If you posted about it and I didn't even comment
If the songs weren't true, but you still feel something
Would you still come looking for me?

  • on the town -〔街に出て〕浮かれ楽しんで
  • shots of brown - ブラウンのショットグラス=ウイスキー
  • turn around - ふりむく
[Chorus: Justin Bieber, with Chris Brown & InkInk]
Don't check on me
Oh, don't check on me
If we're not together, then it's probably for a reason
Every heartbreak has its season

And it looks like winter for you
  • check on 名 ~の検査[照合]、~を阻止[抑止]するもの 句動 ~をチェック[確認・点検・調査]する、~ を調べる
  • for a reason - 事情があって...
  • probably - たぶん,おそらく...
  • heartbreak 【名】胸が張り裂けるような思い、悲痛
  • its - それの「its」は所有を表し、ネイティブがもっとも間違える英文法というのは、「it’s」と「its」の区別です。「it’s」と「its」の使い分け方は割と簡単ですが,「it’s」は「it is」の略です。
[Verse 3: Chris Brownwith Ink]
Ain't call you back 'cause I let it go
I had to focus energy and just let it flow
And when we ride low, we were already gone
It wouldn't mean anymore to me now
I know it hurts you so bad just to see me happy
That I finally moved on, and you thought it wouldn't happen

At times I used to cry, wouldn't know when I was laughing
But I act like I didn't notice

[Pre-Chorus: Chris Brown & Ink, Ink]
Oh, don't go reaching out
'Cause you can't have everything
You can't kill a flame with gasoline
Even if it feels like it every time
No matter how hard you try

[Chorus: Chris Brown, Ink & Justin Bieber]
Don't check on me
If we're not together, then it's probably for a reason
Every heartbreak has its season
It ain't always summer in June

Don't check on me
If we're not together, then it's probably for a reason
Every heartbreak has its season
It ain't always summer in June


[Pre-Chorus: Chris Brown & Ink]
Oh, don't go reaching out
'Cause you can't have everything
Your head and your heart won't feel the same
Even if it feels like it every time

[Chorus: Chris Brown & Ink]
Don't check on me
If we're not together, then it's probably for a reason
Every heartbreak has its season
It ain't always summer in June

[Verse 2: Justin Bieber]
Might run across your mind but don't worry 'bout me, no
My heart is back in one piece, it ain't skipped a beat, no
Feeling rested up, I ain't missing sleep, no-oh
Don't take it personal if I can't reply now
I'm distant 'cause I don't wanna be reached now
Won't let the ghosts of our past weigh my future down
I'm liberated
Energy's like a circle, it comes back around
Don't shed no more tears
Won't gain no empathy from me
In the upcoming years
Oh, I don't need your pity

Source:  Chris Brown – Don’t Check on Me Lyrics | Genius Lyrics