Debit and credit cards, and online and mobile payments, are easy, secure and carefree. You can pause your golf game in Kokomo, Ind., to buy something in Kathmandu, Nepal, in the wink of an eye.
Like all good things, however, the convenience of noncash payment has its bad side. It has already made saving harder and spending easier. The dematerialization of money feels good in our daily lives, but it may have long-term consequences we’ve only begun to face.
By making money tangible, these savings devices gave it weight and importance—and made deferring gratification feel almost fun.
At the same time, spending money felt like parting with a physical possession. A cashier would “ring you up” at a cash register. As the machine went ka-ching, your purchase literally registered in your ears and mind. As the cashier handed your change back to you, reckoning it to the penny, your money counted—mathematically and metaphorically.
The sum of what you had spent felt even greater than the parts. You felt the pain of paying at the same moment as the pleasure of buying. Spending was tactile and bittersweet
“As we move away from paying with those gross motor movements,” says Kathleen Vohs, a marketing professor at the University of Minnesota, “we lose that sense of its being an exchange, the gravity of using money.”
Dozens of studies have shown that consumers using credit cards rather than cash are less likely to remember how much they spent, take less time deciding what to buy, are more willing to pay high prices and make a greater number of purchases. They also exert less self-control, buying more junk food, luxury goods and other impulsive items.
Studies on debit cards and mobile payments show similar results. A recent neuroscience experiment found that spending with credit cards, rather than cash, activates the same reward centers of the brain that are triggered by cocaine and other addictive drugs. If spending cash hurts, perhaps using credit makes you high.
Of course, it’s hard to say whether people are spending more and saving less because cash is dying—or whether cash is dying because people are spending more and saving less.
For most of the second half of the 20th century, Americans saved roughly 10% of their disposable personal income. In the late 1980s, U.S. consumers began to save less until, by 1995, they saved only 3% of available earnings. That number rebounded in the 2000s and 2010s, then shot up during the pandemic as the economy locked down and people received government stimulus payments.
One of the main factors driving the long-term decline of savings in the U.S. is the fall in interest rates since the early 1980s, says Jonathan Parker, a financial economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lower interest rates reduce the return on bank accounts, cut the cost of borrowing, and raise the value of stocks and real estate, making people feel they can spend more.