

WSJが教えるクレジットカード陸マイルのアドバイス: ポイントを最も効率よく利用できるのが旅行、解約をして2年待って再入会すれば入会ポイントが付与される可能性がある、




For many consumers, the best strategy may be to just sit tight, take advantage of the new quarantine-era windfalls and accumulate a war chest of points for rebound travel. But if you have a plain co-branded airline or hotel card, you are probably smart to cancel now, switch to new cards to capture sign-up bonuses, then go back to travel-rewards cards and score their sign-up bonuses when you start traveling again.



you may want to consider dropping those cards for a time if you aren’t traveling. If you wait two years, you can go back to them with big sign-up bonuses. That timetable may reflect when you’ll be traveling frequently again.



Also, you must be careful when canceling cards so you don’t hurt your credit score too much. Sometimes it’s better to just downgrade a fancy card to a basic no-fee card with the same issuer so your account isn’t closed.



Travel is the most important reward category for credit cards. Miles and points earned on credit cards make business-class flying and fancy resorts available to the masses. Airlines first learned how powerful the allure of a “free” trip can be; credit card companies for years have also lured customers with aspirations of great trips at deep discounts.

“Travel is just a critical core category,” says Matt Knise, head of rewards at Capital One.

Perception meets reality here. Using rewards for travel consistently delivers the best payback, according to WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzalez. Using credit cards for travel yields 17% more than cash back on average and 21% more than when using points for merchandise, she says.

It usually takes time to accumulate the hundreds of thousands of points needed for first-class tickets or several nights at premium resorts, so building balances while so much travel has shut down may be a smart strategy for many grounded travelers.




