

Spotlight - Marshmello & Lil Peep 歌詞 和訳で覚える英語

Music Video



Sex with you is like I'm dreamin', and
I just wanna hear you scream again
Now you're gone, I can't believe it
Time I spent with you deceivin' me
I don't care if you believe in me
I still wonder why you're leavin' me
I don't care if you believe me
I still wonder why you tease me

And if I'm takin' this the wrong way
I hope you know that you can tell me whatever you're thinkin'
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
I hope you know I'm faded, all of this liquor I'm drinkin'
And if I'm takin' this the wrong way (wrong way)
I hope you know that you can tell me whatever you're thinkin'
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)

Source: Marshmello & Lil Peep – Spotlight Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

  • deceive - だます、欺(あざむ)く、思い違いをさせる、だましてさせる、思い違いをする
  • tease -【自動】 〔しつこく〕からかう ・Stop teasing. : からかうのはやめろよ。 【他動】 〔しつこく〕いじめる、からかう、悩ます 〔ふざけて〕とぼける、もったいぶる ~にねだる、~をせがむ 〈米〉〔厚みを持たせるために髪を〕逆毛立てる【名】 〔しつこい〕いじめ、からかい ふざけてからかう[ちょっかいを出す]人 〈俗〉〔異性などに対して〕思わせぶりに振る舞って楽しむ[その気にさせておいてセックスはしない]

Sex with you is like I'm dreamin', and
I just wanna hear you scream again
Now you're gone, I can't believe it
Time I spent with you deceivin' me
I don't care if you believe in me
I still wonder why you're leavin' me
I don't care if you believe me
I still wonder why you tease me

And if I'm takin' this the wrong way
I hope you know that you can tell me whatever you're thinkin'
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
I hope you know I'm faded, all of this liquor I'm drinkin'
And if I'm takin' this the wrong way (wrong way)
I hope you know that you can tell me whatever you're thinkin'
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)
It's when you put me in the spotlight (spotlight)