He and his wife together have 40 of them and have earned, so far, 1,492,500 rewards points. They have used the points in an almost-completed quest to visit each destination named in the chorus of the Beach Boys song “Kokomo.”
- ナイアガラの滝
- オタワ
- ワシントンDC
- サンノゼ
- LA
- サンディエゴ
- プリンストン
- サンフランシスコ
- ラスベガス
- グランドキャニオン
- フランス
- ロンドン
- シンシナシティ
- ボストン
- プロビデンス(ロードアイランド州)
- コネチカット州
- アトランタ
- モントリオール
- フィラデルフィア
- ワシントンDC
- イエローナイフ(オーロラ)
- カルガリー
- カンクン
- ケープコッド
- ニューポート
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.’s Chase Sapphire Reserve card until recently offered a sign-up sweetener of 100,000 rewards points, potentially worth thousands of dollars when redeemed for travel, as many collectors have done.
“I’m kind of a credit-card—maybe junkie is not the right word—but I’m a credit-card enthusiast,” says Mary Xu, a San Francisco cybersecurity manager. In pursuit of points, she spends more than $1,000 a year on annual fees for high-end cards.
Many issuers don’t limit the number of cards an individual can acquire. Payment history and overall debts usually are weighed more heavily than numbers of cards in application decisions. TransUnion Vice President Heather Battison says heavy card collectors who miss a payment date could see their credit scores fall disproportionately compared with casual users.
Some cardholders move on to a fresh card as soon as they charge enough to earn their sign-up bonus on one.
Washington, D.C., communications director Daniel Seaton, 31, signed up for a new card not available at home when he was on business in New York in February. It was his 29th new card in the past 18 months. “I’ve definitely kind of scolded friends for using a debit card,” he says.
San Antonio engineer Marshall Sharp, 31, uses an Excel spreadsheet to track the due dates for the 24 credit cards he has acquired in the past 11 months.