

Train food - XXXTENTACION 歌詞 和訳で覚える英語表現




On “Train food,” XXXTENTACION raps about death’s inescapability. The song’s minimalistic and eery production features a jarring piano accompanied by the sounds of a train and a thunderstorm.

X gives a first-person narrative of an individual and their encounter with the personification of Death as they walk home. The person takes a different route than usual and is encountered by Death, who kidnaps them. They wake up tied to train tracks, but there is no escape. They go through an emotional monologue, reflecting on their life, but also imagining what could have been in their future. The individual finally asks themselves if they are going to heaven or hell, but they are ultimately killed before an answer is revealed.

The track is both sonically and thematically reminiscent of “I spoke to the devil in Miami, he said everything would be fine,” a track in which X has a conversation with Satan about his soul.

Many of the lyrics in this song can be interpreted as X reflecting on his own death, as he was unexpectedly murdered on June 18, 2018.




大阪観光大学国際交流学部池田 和弘教授の日経ビジネスオンラインの記事でも洋楽の歌詞で英語を勉強した学生の話が取り上げられていました。彼の何千人もの学生や社会人の教え子の中で、明らかに日本人離れした、素晴らしい英文を書く生徒がいたらしいのですが、その学生さんは洋楽の歌詞で英語を英語を勉強してきたようです。その文章は、語句の使い方が日本人離れしていたというのです。


Source: 日経ビジネスオンライン









I remember I had walked home that day
Content with all my misery
Told my self it'd get better, no clue what there was next to me
Remember there was people, walkin', talkin' in the distance
I was dressed for winter weather
But the summer rays were kissing me
I, I was lost

Source: XXXTENTACION – Train food Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

  • I walked home - 歩いて家に帰った
  • that day - あの日;その日は
  • content with 《be ~》- ~に満足して[甘んじて]いる
  • misery - みじめさ、悲惨、(精神的・肉体的な)苦痛、苦しみ、苦悩、(数々の)苦難、不幸、不平家、ぐちを言う人
  • clue - 手がかり、糸口
  • no clue -「全然知らないよ。」、「さっぱりわからないな。」
  • in the distance - 遠方に
  • ray【1名】
    1. 光線、一筋の光
    2. 《物理》〔放射エネルギーの〕線
    3. 〔希望などの〕一筋、ほんのわずかのもの
    4. 放射状の構造[組織]
    5. 《数学》半直線◆【同】half-line
    6. 《天文》〔クレーターの〕光条
    7. 《植物》〔頭状花などの〕舌状花◆【同】ray flower
    8. 《植物》〔散形花序の〕小花柄
    9. 《動物》〔ヒトデなどの〕腕
    10. 《魚》〔ヒレの〕すじ、鰭条◆【同】fin ray
    11. 《rays》〈俗〉日光、太陽の光

I remember I had walked home that day
Content with all my misery
Told my self it'd get better, no clue what there was next to me
Remember there was people, walkin', talkin' in the distance
I was dressed for winter weather
But the summer rays were kissing me
I, I was lost