

I Like It - Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin 歌詞 和訳で覚える英語


I Like It [Explicit]

I Like It [Explicit]



Music Video



[Chorus: Cardi B]
Diamond district in the jag (I said I like it like that)
Certified, know I'm gang, gang, gang, gang (I said I like it like–)
Drop the top and blow the brains (I said I like it like that)
Oh he's so handsome, what's his name? (I said I like it)
Oh I need the dollars (I said I like it like that)
Beat it up like piñatas (I said I like it like–)
Tell the driver, close the curtains (I said I like it like that)
Bad bitch make him nervous (I said I like it)
Cardi B

Source: Cardi B, Bad Bunny & J Balvin – I Like It Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

  • Diamond District - ダイヤモンド地区
  • jag -【1他動】 ギザギザにする、切れ目をつける 〔のこぎりに〕歯をつける 〈俗〉注射する 〈方〉突き刺す 〈方〉(人)をイライラさせる ・You're always jagging me. : おまえは俺をいつもイライラさせる。 【1名】 とがった角、ギザギザ 〈俗〉注射 【2名】 〈俗〉〔麻薬・飲食・感情などに〕ひとしきりふける[夢中になる・溺れる]こと 〈俗〉酒盛り、陶酔、大騒ぎ
  • certified - 保証された、公認の、公許の、精神異常と証明された
  • blow one's brains out - (1)(頭を撃って)自殺する. (2)懸命に働く,仕事に精を出す.
  • piñatasピニャータ(piñata)は、メキシコや他の中・南米の国の子供のお祭り(誕生日など)に使われる、中にお菓子やおもちゃなどを詰めた紙製のくす玉人形のこと。

[Chorus: Cardi B]
Diamond district in the jag (I said I like it like that)
Certified, know I'm gang, gang, gang, gang (I said I like it like–)
Drop the top and blow the brains (I said I like it like that)
Oh he's so handsome, what's his name? (I said I like it)
Oh I need the dollars (I said I like it like that)
Beat it up like piñatas (I said I like it like–)
Tell the driver, close the curtains (I said I like it like that)
Bad bitch make him nervous (I said I like it)
Cardi B