

Mariners Apartment Complex - Lana Del Rey 歌詞 和訳で覚える英語


mariner(海員,水夫)の団地(Apartment Complex)?という曲名です。


The song is about this time I took a walk late at night with a guy I was seeing, and we stopped in front his friend’s apartment complex, and he put his hand around my shoulder, and he said “I think we are together because we’re both similar, like we’re both really messed up” and I thought it was the saddest thing I’d ever heard. And I said, “I’m not sad, I didn’t know that’s why you thought you were relating to me on that level, I’m actually doing pretty good”. And he was upset, and that’s when I wrote the song. I thought, I had to do so many times, where you know like I had to sort of step on that role where I was showing the way and I was sort of being the brighter light. But that’s why it’s so cool that you’re playing it. ‘Cause I thought that I’d just put it out and it would be one of those things that I’d put out just to have there for myself, but it’s cool being able to share it with people too.





大阪観光大学国際交流学部池田 和弘教授の日経ビジネスオンラインの記事でも洋楽の歌詞で英語を勉強した学生の話が取り上げられていました。彼の何千人もの学生や社会人の教え子の中で、明らかに日本人離れした、素晴らしい英文を書く生徒がいたらしいのですが、その学生さんは洋楽の歌詞で英語を英語を勉強してきたようです。その文章は、語句の使い方が日本人離れしていたというのです。


Source: 日経ビジネスオンライン






Music Video



[Pre-Chorus 1]
And who I've been is with you on these beaches
Your Venice bitch, your die-hard, your weakness
Maybe I could save you from your sins
So, kiss the sky and whisper to Jesus
My, my, my, you found this, you need this
Take a deep breath, baby, let me in

You lose your way, just take my hand
You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again
Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am
I'm your man
I'm your man

[Pre-Chorus 2]
And who I am is a big-time believer
That people can change, but you don't have to leave her
When everyone's talking, you can make a stand
'Cause even in the dark I feel your resistance
You can see my heart burning in the distance
Baby, baby, baby, I'm your man (yeah)


Source: Lana Del Rey – Mariners Apartment Complex Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

  • die-hard - (1) なかなか死なない, がんばり抜く. (2) 〈習慣・信仰などが〉容易に滅びない
  • save ~ from - ~を…から救う
  • whisper to - ささやく、小声で言う、ひそひそ話をする
  • at sea - 海上で 〔船が〕航海中で 途方に暮れて、どうすればよいか分からなくて
  • command -                                                                                                              【自動】
    1. 命令する、命令を下す
    2. 指揮する、指揮権を持つ
    3. 見渡す、見晴らす
    1. 〔人に~しろと〕命令[要求]する
    2. 〔軍隊などを〕指揮[統制]する
    3. 〔場所などを〕支配する、統治する
    4. 〔言葉や金などを〕自由に操る、意のままにする
    5. 〔尊敬・関心・信頼・同情・高評価などを〕当然のこととして受ける[集める]
    6. 〔位置が場所を〕見渡す、見晴らす
    1. 指揮すること、命令を出すこと
    2. 〔権威を伴う〕命令、指令
    3. 〔言語などの〕自由に使える能力、駆使[運用]能力◆have a good/poor command of ~(~を操るのがうまい/下手だ)のように、能力が高い場合にも低い場合にも使うことができる。
      ・She has a good command of the English language. : 彼女は英語が上手です。
      ・An applicant must have some command of the Japanese language, with certain fluency in everyday Japanese. : 応募者はある程度日本語を使いこなすことができ、日常会話ではかなり流ちょうな日本語を話せなければなりません。
    4. 《コ》コマンド◆利用者がコンピューターにある動作を行わせるために与える命令。
    5. 《軍事》指揮権、指導権
    6. 《軍事》〔指揮官の〕統括部隊、管轄地域
    7. 《軍事》司令部
    8. 眺望、見晴らし
    1. 命令の[に関する・用の]
    2. 指揮(者)の
  • big time -【名】 《the ~》〈話〉〔ある分野の〕トップレベル、一線級、一流◆【対】small time 《the ~》〈俗〉非常に楽しい時、愉快な時、大変楽しい時、絶好調 〈俗〉ヘロイン 〈俗〉〔一日2回興業が行える〕一流劇場◆【対】small time 【副】 〈話〉全くひどく、極めて、完全に、すごく、非常に、とても、大いに ・He's screwed up, big time. : 彼は全くひどいへま[間違い・失敗]をした。 〈話〉本格的に、真剣に
  • make a stand - 停止する 立場を支持する
  • take a stand - 〔~に対する〕態度を明確にする、立場を公言する 表現パターンtake a stand (on)
  • in the distance - 遥かに、遠い、遥かに、はるか向こうに、遠い所に、遠方に

[Pre-Chorus 1]
When I'm around slow dancing in the dark
Don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms
You have made up your mind
I don't need no more signs
Can you?
Can you?

Give me reasons we should be complete
You should be with him, I can't compete
You looked at me like I was someone else, oh well
Can't you see? (can’t you see?)
I don't wanna slow dance (I don't want to slow dance)
In the dark

[Pre-Chorus 2]
Used to be the one to hold you when you fall
Yeah, yeah, yeah (when you fall, when you fall)
I don't fuck with your tone (I don't fuck with your tone)
I don't wanna go home (I don't wanna go home)
Can it be one night?
Can you?
Can you?

