

Wait - Maroon 5 歌詞 和訳で覚える英語

Music Video



Let me apologize
I'll make up, make up, make up, make up for all those times
Your love, I don't wanna lose
I'm beggin', beggin', beggin', beggin', I'm beggin' you

Wait, can you turn around, can you turn around?
Just wait, can we work this out, can we work this out?
Just wait, can you come here please? 'Cause I wanna be with you
Wait, can you turn around, can you turn around?
Just wait, can we work this out, can we work this out?
Just wait, could you come here please? 'Cause I wanna be with you

Source: Maroon 5 – Wait Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

  • make up for…を埋め合わせる、取り返す
  • those times - 当時
  • I'm begging you - 誰かに強くお願いしたい状況で 「お願いだから!」「頼むから!」
  • turn around -【句動】 回す、回転する[させる]  向きを変える、方向転換する、Uターンする、向き直る、振り向く、振り向かせる、振り返る  後ろを向く、くるりと背を向ける、逆に向く、反転する、逆傾向を見せる 〔向き直って〕不意に[失礼にも]~する悪い状態から良い状態に向ける、上向きにする、好転する[させる]、良くなる[する]、赤字決算から抜け出す、建て直す ・ 意見を変える、変節する


Let me apologize
I'll make up, make up, make up, make up for all those times
Your love, I don't wanna lose
I'm beggin', beggin', beggin', beggin', I'm beggin' you

Wait, can you turn around, can you turn around?
Just wait, can we work this out, can we work this out?
Just wait, can you come here please? 'Cause I wanna be with you
Wait, can you turn around, can you turn around?
Just wait, can we work this out, can we work this out?
Just wait, could you come here please? 'Cause I wanna be with you