

Man of the Woods - Justin Timberlake 歌詞 和訳で覚える英語

この曲は、ジャスティンの息子であるSilas(サイラス)についての曲のようです。彼はインスタグラムで、彼の息子の名前の意味が“Of The Woods”だということを投稿していたようです。

This song is about Silas, Justin Timberlake’s son. He announced in a video on Instagram, of him getting a haircut, that his son’s name means “Of The Woods”. He claimed that this album isn’t a “country album”.

Source: Justin Timberlake – Man of the Woods Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

Music Video



But then your hands talking, fingers walking, down your legs
Hey, there's the faucet
Someone's knocking like they know
But baby, don't you stop it, yes I'm watching
Your hand slides down the light
And girl you know

I brag about you to anyone outside
But I'm a man of the woods, it's my pride
I'm sorry baby, you know I try
But I'm a man of the woods, it's my pride

Source: Justin Timberlake – Man of the Woods Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

  • faucet【名】蛇口、飲み口、コック〔流量を調節するための弁〕
  • brag about - ~を自慢する、~を誇示する

But then your hands talking, fingers walking, down your legs
Hey, there's the faucet
Someone's knocking like they know
But baby, don't you stop it, yes I'm watching
Your hand slides down the light
And girl you know

I brag about you to anyone outside
But I'm a man of the woods, it's my pride
I'm sorry baby, you know I try
But I'm a man of the woods, it's my pride