

The Chainsmokers - Sick Boy 歌詞 和訳で覚える英語


Music Video



[Verse 1]
I'm from the east side of America
Where we choose pride over character
And we can pick sides, but this is us, this is us, this is
I live on the west side of America
Where they spin lies into fairy dust
And we can pick sides, but this is us, this is us, this is

  • choose ~ over … - より~の方を選ぶ
  • pick sides - 2組に分かれる
  • pick a side - どちらの側につくのかを決める
  • spin ~ into - ~を紡いで…にする
  • fairy dust - 妖精の粉 (辞書: Urban Dictionary: Fairy Dust

俺らは二つに別れられる but this is us, this is us, this is 

And don't believe the narcissism
When everyone projects and expects you to listen to 'em
Make no mistake, I live in a prison
That I built myself, it is my religion
And they say that I am the sick boy
Easy to say, when you don't take the risk, boy
Welcome to the narcissism
Where we're united under our indifference

  • narcissism - ナルシ(シ)ズム、自己陶酔(症)、自己愛
  • project -【自動】 突き出る、突出する◆【反】retroject 提案する 【他動】 ~を投影する、発射する、投げ出す 〔印象・イメージを〕与える、醸し出す、伝える ~を計画する、企画する、考案する ~と見積もる、推定する、予想する 
  • unite -【自動】〔複数の物が〕合体する、一体化する〔人が共通の目的などに〕加わる、参加する〔二人が〕結婚する【他動】〔複数の物を〕結合する、合体させる〔人を共通の目的などで〕まとめる、団結させる〔二人を〕結婚させる〔性質や特徴を〕兼ね備える
  • indifference -【名】無関心無差別、均等、中立、公正何でもないこと、ささい、ささいな事《野球》〔ランナーに対する守備側の〕無視

なんの過ちも犯していない 俺は牢獄に住んでいる
俺が建てた牢獄 これは俺の信仰
彼らは言った 俺はシックボーイだと
言うのは簡単だ リスクをとならいなら

[Verse 2]
And I'm from the east side of America
Where we desensitize by hysteria
And we can pick sides, but this is us
This is us, this is
I live on the west side of America
Where they spin lies into fairy dust
And we can pick sides, this is us
This is us, this is

I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
They say that I am the sick boy
And they call me the sick boy

Don't believe the narcissism
When everyone projects and expects you to listen to 'em
Make no mistake, I live in a prison
That I built myself, it is my religion
And they say that I am the sick boy
Easy to say, when you don't take the risk, boy
Welcome to the narcissism
Where we're united under our indifference

Feed yourself with my life's work
How many likes is my life worth?
Feed yourself with my life's work
How many likes is my life worth?
Feed yourself with my life's work
How many likes is my life worth?
Feed yourself on my life's work
How many likes is my life worth?

I'm from the east side of America
I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
I live on the west side of America
I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
I'm from the east side of America
They say that I am the sick boy
I live on the west side of America
Yeah, they call me the sick boy

I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
I am the, I am the, I am the sick boy
They say that I am the sick boy
Yeah, they call me the sick boy